
Postgraduate Education Outside the UK

The world is bigger than the UK and whether you are a citizen here or not, the concept of studying abroad can be very exciting. It provides you with the opportunity to experience another culture, develop your skills and learn while also maybe learning a new language and likely, growing as a person.

Other countries in the world like Ireland, Germany, France, the USA, and Australia also have different postgraduate programs, looking at topics that perhaps the UK universities do not cover. What’s more, there’s no better time to study abroad than when you are moving up and studying a postgraduate course.

You not only get to enjoy yourself but you are likely a bit more grown-up at this point and feel a bit more confident in taking on the abroad student persona. Let’s have a look at postgraduate education outside the UK.


For being quite a small country, Ireland has made a significant impact on the world. They have given the world artists, scholars, saints, scientists, sports heroes, and more. As a result, Ireland has built a great reputation and is deep-rooted in history. What’s more, since people in Ireland speak English, you don’t have to worry about a language barrier. Ireland is a great place for education, having ranked in the top 10 for education in the IMB World Competitiveness Ranking 2019.

They provide world-class, globally-recognised qualifications. Some of the top universities in Ireland are Dublin City University (DCU), University College Dublin (UCD), Trinity College Dublin, Technological University Dublin (TUD), National University of Galway, and Maynooth University.

Some of the postgraduate programs offered in Ireland cover topics like accounting, physiotherapy, pain management, business, and executive coaching, mental health, actuarial science, software engineering, economics, mathematics, archaeology, biomedical engineering, nursing, business administration, child welfare, communications and media, computer science, criminology, dairy herd health, sustainability, design, digital marketing, education, energy, film studies, food engineering and much more.

The award classifications their postgraduate programs offer include Master of Science (MSc), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Art (MA), Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip), Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert), Master of Law (LLM), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and much more. Most of the courses can be completed on a part-time basis with some facilitating online learning options.


The German education system means there are thousands of degree programs you can study here. Germany has more than 300 education institutions that provide vocational and research-orientated programs. In addition, there are artistic programs at arts, film, and music colleges. In Germany, there is a two-cycle bachelor/master’s system that is very similar to Ireland. Similar to Ireland, with a primary degree, you can follow on with a master’s qualification course in Germany.

The vast majority of these programs are taught in English in conjunction with a German language course. There are also doctoral programs you can undertake and these are quite popular among international students. Some of the top universities in Germany include the University of Hamburg, Berlin Institute of Technology, Technische Universitat Munchen, and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Some of the topics explored in Germany’s postgraduate programs include astronautics, agriculture, horticulture, art, communications, technology, typology, chemistry, engineering, brewing, sustainability, science, mathematics, computer science, ecology, innovation, urban studies, and much more. Their programs offer qualifications such as Master of Science (MSc), Master of Art (MA), Master of Education (MEd), and Master of Business Administration (MBA).


France is very popular among international students, in fact, one in three PhD theses in France is completed by international students. Their education system specifically invites abroad students and they make up 12% of the student population. One of the reasons for this is their tuition fees are one of the lowest in Europe. Their three-level higher education system is based on the European’s Licence, Master, and Doctorat system.

The educational institutions in France are a mix of private and public and these range from schools offering specialised courses to more prestigious institutions and others offering more generalised programs. Their top universities include Sorbonne Universite, University of Paris-Saclay, PSL Research University, Universite de Paris, and Universite Montpellier. Some of the topics postgraduate programs in France cover include physics, computational mechanics, computer science, communications, chemistry, life sciences, energy, food, economics, genetics, geonomics, smart systems, sport, event management, and more.


The USA is another popular place for international students and it is because some of the world’s best universities are situated in America. The USA has the world’s biggest international student population with nearly 1,00,000 students choosing to study here. There are many reasons why students gravitate towards the USA. For one thing, it provides excellent programs via its world-class universities and colleges. In addition, it is a place of cutting-edge technology and research and there are also a lot of opportunities for research, training, and education here.

One benefit to the USA education system is that you can choose to minor and major in different topics. For example, if you are studying journalism, you can decide to major in radio and this helps you greater when it comes to getting your dream job. Some of the top universities in the USA include Harvard University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Yale University, and Stanford University. The postgraduate programs delivered by universities in the USA cover topics such as history, mathematics, science, computer science, law, mathematics, psychology, biology, econometrics, and more.


Australia is rich in culture and history and is considered a global leader in education. This makes it an excellent study destination for international students. In Australia, there is no language barrier so you can feel free to soak up the culture while not feeling the pressure of having to learn and perfect a different language for the locals. Some of the top universities in Australia include the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, the Australian National University, and UNSW Sidney.

The postgraduate programs available in Australia cover topics such as art, veterinary medicine, dental surgery, medicine, physiotherapy, languages, business, agricultural sciences, data, health and wellbeing, social work, arboriculture, entrepreneurship, sustainability, food science, journalism, literature, nursing, physiotherapy, teaching, sustainable business, law, computer science, economics, human rights law, mental health, IT and more. Some of the award classifications their programs provide include Master of Art (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip).

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